Twitter Analytics on Iconosquare - Frequently Asked Questions

Find all the answers to some of our most frequently asked Twitter-related questions here! 👇

Does Twitter analytics on Iconosquare include paid data?

Twitter analytics on Iconosquare includes both paid and organic data. Currently, we provide a combined total, not a split between the two.

Is it available on the Iconosquare mobile app?

Twitter analytics are now available on our iOS & Android app 📱


How many Twitter accounts can I link to my Iconosquare account?

This depends on the plan you're subscribed to and the number of social profile slots included in your plan. One Twitter account is classed as one social profile on Iconosquare (the same as an Instagram profile or a Facebook page).

Can I see historical data for my Twitter profile?

We are able to provide data for up to 7 days prior to the date when you add your Twitter profile to Iconosquare.

How is the engagement rate calculated on Iconosquare for Twitter?

We provide two different types of engagement rate:

  1. Engagement rate = [Likes + Replies + Retweets] divided by [number of followers at the time of the tweet] x 100
  2. Engagement on impressions rate = [Likes + Replies + Retweets] divided by [total impressions of the tweet] x 100
Why is my Twitter Impressions data on Iconosquare different from what I'm seeing on Twitter's native data?
Account-level Twitter impressions on Iconosquare are not calculated in the same way as on Twitter's native analytics.
The Total Impressions KPI on Iconosquare (found on the Overview and Impressions sections) refers to the total number of views received on your Tweets/Replies posted during the date range you have selected. This does not take into account views on Tweets/Replies posted before the date range you have selected, even if the views are "happening" during the selected date range.
The Tweets/Replies I posted between 21st - 27th October have generated 1200 impressions.
A Tweet I posted on 20th October was viewed by someone today (27th October) but that view will not be included in the "Total impressions" KPI shown in the screenshot below, since the Tweet was posted prior to the selected date range.
On Twitter's native data, however, when looking at total impressions for the date range of 21st - 27th October, that view would be included in the account-level impressions data, since this includes all impressions received during a selected date period, regardless of when the Tweet was posted.
How often are my Tweets updated in Iconosquare?

We load your Tweets data (from the last 2 days) every 12 hours 😊

Why can't I add my Twitter profile to Iconosquare?

If you're having trouble adding your Twitter profile to Iconosquare, it may be that you're not logged into the correct Twitter account on the Twitter desktop site. To troubleshoot this, please follow the steps below:

  • Open in a new tab
  • Click on the arrow next to your Twitter username at the bottom left of the page
  • Make sure you are logged into the Twitter profile you wish to add to Iconosquare
  • If you are logged into multiple profiles, make sure the right one is selected, with a tick next to it, as in the example below.
  • Come back to Iconosquare and try to add the Twitter profile again.

How do I remove Iconosquare's access to my Twitter profile?

If you wish to remove Iconosquare from your list of authorized Twitter apps for any reason, you can do this from this page here. Click on Iconosquare then click "Revoke access" to remove.


Can I create or schedule a report for my Twitter profile?

Yes! Learn how to do this here.


Can I set up a Custom Dashboard for my Twitter profile?

You sure can - find out more here!

Why is my post showing as text on Iconosquare, whereas a link shows on Twitter?

When you add a URL to your Twitter post, a thumbnail is generated. If you decide to remove the URL from the post later on, the thumbnail that was generated remains, and displays correctly on Twitter. However, the URL is no longer available on the API, therefore we're unable to display the thumbnail on our side. For this reason, we recommend not removing URLs from your Twitter posts.


Please note that a discontinuation of analytics and management features for X (Twitter) will take effect on October 31st 2024. For more information, please follow the link here!