LinkedIn Analytics - Glossary by section


Total followers

The total number of people following your LinkedIn page at this moment in time.

Follower evolution

Evolution of your followers during the selected date period.

Follower evolution percentage

Evolution of your followers during the selected period, shown as a percentage.

Total posts

The total number of posts published during the selected date period.

Total reach

The total number of times your posts have been uniquely viewed over the chosen period.

Total impressions

The total number of times your posts have been viewed during the selected period. Data is updated approximately every hour.

Average engagement rate per post

The average engagement rate for posts published during the selected date range. For each post, the engagement rate is calculated by taking the likes/reactions, comments, clicks and shares received, divided by the number of followers at the time of the post. Data is updated approximately every 5 minutes.

Follower growth chart

See the evolution of your number of followers over time. Tracking starts on the day you add your LinkedIn page to Iconosquare (data prior to this date is estimated).

Average engagement rate history chart

See the evolution of your average engagement rate over time. Data is updated approximately every hour. Data points represent the average engagement rate for all posts published on that day.

Most recent posts

Check out your most recent posts published during the selected date period, and use the filter to order by a number of different options (Most engaging, Least engaging, etc.).

Total reactions

The total number of reactions received on posts published during the selected date period. This includes all types of reactions.

Total comments received

The total number of comments received on posts published during the selected date period.

Total clicks

The total number of unique clicks received on your posts over the selected period. (Only one click per user and per post is counted). It shows the number of clicks on your content, company name or logo. Interactions are not taken into account. This data is updated approximately every hour.

Total shares

The total number of shares received on posts published during the selected date period.

Post lifespan chart

Your post likes/reactions (or comments/clicks/shares/engagement depending on the filter applied) during the first 24 hours compared to the previous post. Data is updated approximately every hour.

Likes history chart

See the evolution of the number of likes/reactions you're receiving over time.

Comments history chart

See the evolution of the number of comments you're receiving over time.



Total engagement
The total number of reactions, comments, clicks and shares on your LinkedIn posts published during the selected period. This data is updated approximately every hour.

Average engagement rate per post
The average engagement rate for posts published during the selected date range. For each post, the engagement rate is calculated by taking the reactions, comments, clicks and shares received, divided by the number of followers at the time of the post. Data is updated approximately every 5 minutes.

Average engagement rate on impressions
The average engagement rate on impressions for the posts published within the selected dates. Engagement rate on impressions of a given post = total engagement divided by total impressions

Most engaging posts chart
Check out your most engaging posts published during the selected date period, and use the filter to order by a number of different options (Most reactions, Least reactions, etc.).

Total reactions
The total number of reactions received on posts published during the selected date period. This includes all types of reactions.

Average reactions
The average number of reactions received per post, for the posts published during the selected date period.

Total comments received
The total number of comments received on posts published during the selected date period.

Average comments per post
The average number of comments received per post, for the posts published during the selected date period.

Reactions history chart
Visualize how the number of reactions you receive evolves over time.

Comments history chart
Visualize how the number of comments you receive evolves over time.

Best time to post chart
Understand when your posts get the most engagement. A bigger circle = higher engagement. Yellow circles indicate the best times to post. Black circles = your posting habits: the bigger the black circles are, the more you post. Data is updated approximately every hour.

Average engagement per post type chart
Calculated by taking the reactions, comments, clicks and shares received on average, for each post type (status, photo, video...), for the posts published during the selected date range. Data is updated every hour.

Average engagement rate history chart
The evolution of your average engagement rate over time. Data is updated approximately every hour. Data points represent the average engagement rate for all posts published on that day.

Total shares
The total number of times your posts were shared during the selected period.

Average shares per post
The average number of shares per post, for posts published during the selected period. This data is updated approximately every hour.

Total clicks
The total number of unique clicks on your LinkedIn posts over the selected period (meaning that only one click per user and per post is counted). This data is updated approximately every hour.

Average clicks per post
The average number of clicks by post, for posts published during the selected period. This data is updated approximately every hour.

Shares history chart
Visualize how the number of times your posts are shared evolves over time.

Post click history chart
Visualize how the number of times your posts are clicked evolves over time.

Total views
The total number of times your videos were viewed during the selected period.

Average views per video
The average number of views per video published within the selected period.

Video views history chart
Visualize how your number of video views evolves over time. 



Total followers

The total number of people following your LinkedIn page at this moment in time. 

Follower evolution

Evolution of your followers during the selected date period. 

Follower evolution percentage

Evolution of your followers during the selected period, shown as a percentage.

Follower growth chart

See the evolution of your number of followers over time. Tracking starts on the day you add your LinkedIn page to Iconosquare (data prior to this date is estimated).

Followers location - Countries

See the countries where your followers are based. Switch to the chart view in order to see a list of each country and the number of followers in that country.

Gained & lost followers

Check the number of followers you have gained/lost on a daily basis, and visualize whether these gains/losses correspond with any posts you've published.


Total posts

Total number of posts published within the selected period.

Average posts per day

The average number of posts published each day, during the selected period.

Total links

The total number of links published within the selected period.

Total statuses

The total number of statuses published within the selected period.

Total photos

The total number of photos published within the selected period.

Total videos

The total number of links published within the selected period.

Total documents

The total number of documents published within the selected period.

Total carousels

The total number of carousels published within the selected period.

Total polls

The total number of polls published within the selected period.

Post history chart

Visualize how many posts you are publishing on a daily basis.

Type distribution

The distribution per post type (status, link, photo...) for the posts you’ve posted over the selected time period.

Post density chart - daily/hourly

Your posting habits per day and per hour. This data is updated approximately every hour.


Total impressions

The total number of times your posts have been viewed during the selected period. Data is updated approximately every hour.

Total reach

The total number of times your posts have been uniquely viewed over the chosen period.

Average impressions per post

The average impressions per post during the selected period. This data is updated once a day.

Average impressions rate per post

The average impression rate for posts published within the selected dates. Impression rate for a given post = number of impressions divided by number of followers.

Average engagement rate on impressions

The average engagement rate on impressions for the posts published within the selected dates. Engagement rate on impressions of a given post = total engagement divided by total impressions

Reach & Impressions history chart

Daily history of reach and impressions of your posts. Data updated every hour.

Average impressions by post type

Visualize your average number of impressions by different post types. Data updated every hour.

Posts with most impressions chart

Check out the posts published, during the selected date period, that have generated the most impressions. Use the filter to order by a number of different options (Most impressions, Least impressions, etc.).





The number of reactions received on the post. Includes all types of reactions (Like, Celebrate, Support, Love, Insightful, Curious).


The number of times the post has been shared.

Total clicks

The number of times the post has been clicked.

Engagement rate

Calculated by taking the reactions, comments, clicks and shares received, divided by the number of followers at the time of the post.


The total number of times the post has been viewed.

Engagement rate on impressions

Calculated by taking the reactions, comments, clicks and shares received, divided by the number of impressions received.

Impressions rate

Calculated by taking the number of impressions, and dividing by the number of followers at the time of the post.