We are happy to announce that you are now able to schedule content for Instagram directly on Iconosquare with collaborators! This innovative addition promises to revolutionize the way users create and share content on the popular photo-sharing platform.💫
The Instagram Post Collaboration Feature will allow you to co-author posts with other accounts. Once you've created your post, you will be able to invite another account as a collaborator.
How It Works:
Access Iconosquare Scheduler: Navigate to the Iconosquare Scheduler to initiate the collaboration process.
Create Your Instagram Post: Craft your post by selecting media and composing the perfect caption.
Invite Collaborators: Take collaboration to the next level by typing the username of the account you want to invite as a co-author.
-> Complete the scheduling process by clicking "Next" to finalize your collaborative post.

-> You won't be able to add more than 3 collaborators on one post
What happens to Co-author posts on our Content Section?
On the Content Section where you view your individual post analytics, if you see the blue "Collaborators" icon at the top left of the thumbnail, you will know that this particular post is a co-author post.