How will I know if another Instagram account is a Business Profile?

The use of Iconosquare is entirely restricted to Business Profiles. If you have a personal account that you'd like to convert to a Business Profile so that you can add it to Iconosquare, you can learn how to do that here!


You can only add Business Profiles as Competitors or as Users to your Feeds on Iconosquare. Here's how to check if the account you have your eye on is a Business Profile.

  1. Some profiles have their Business Type listed directly under the name of their account. As you can see, Karl Lagerfeld is listed as a Brand.
  2. They have the 'Email', 'Directions', or 'Call' buttons on their profile. A super-easy way for customers to find/contact you without leaving the Instagram app.
  3. They have the View Shop button! This button takes you to shoppable posts on @karllagerfeld's feed so you can shop their products directly from within the app. 
