How can I send my reports to several email addresses?


First of all, you'll need to access the Exports & Reports section.

For a new report
  • Click "Create new report", and select the type of report you'd like to create
  • Select "Yes" to "Send report via email
  • Enter the email addresses you'd like the report to be sent to
  • Set the rest of the criteria for your report, and click "Create"​​

Once your report is generated, the email addresses you entered will appear on the "Scheduled exports and reports" table (you can hover on the number to view the full list of email addresses):


For an existing report 

Click on the pencil icon next to the report you wish to edit:

You can add new recipients, delete existing recipients, and also change the date period and frequency of the report:


Click "Ok" and you're done!


Once your report is generated, the email addresses you entered will appear on the "Scheduled exports and reports" table (you can hover on the number to view the full list of email addresses):