How can I schedule an export for my Custom Dashboard?

For users with access to the Dashboard feature (ADVANCED and AGENCY plans)  it's now possible to schedule exports for this feature!


  • Head to the Reports section (under the Analytics tab)
  • Click on "Create new report" at the top right of the page
  • Select "Dashboard Report"


You can then set the criteria for your report, including:


  • Choose whether you want to set up an XLS or PDF export
  • Title of your report
  • Choose if you want the report to be sent via email with a link to download the report, and if so, the recipients of that email
  • Which social profile you want to set the report for 
  • Which one of the pre-set date ranges you want the report to cover 
  • Timezone you want your report to be based on (this automatically defaults to your Iconosquare account timezone)
  • Choose if you want to schedule the report and the frequency - select this option for recurring reports (eg. every month), or choose no if you just want to set up a one-off report! 


Click "Create" and you're ready to go!