Upgrades and changes to your plan on Iconosquare - All you need to know!

This article is here to guide you through any questions regarding upgrades, downgrades, and the purchasing of add-ons (additional social profile slots, team members, feeds, hashtags and competitors). If you still have further questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with one of our support representatives.


*We will be referring to a plan as Pro, Advanced and Agency (or old plan) for any subscription that started before March 15th 2021 and Pro2, Advanced2 and Enterprise (or new plan) will be referred to as any subscription which started after March 15th 2021. 


In this article:

Plan Upgrades

Plan downgrades

Purchasing extras


Plan upgrades 

I would like to upgrade my plan using the same billing frequency. How does it work?

If you are currently on our Pro or Pro2 plans for example and would like to upgrade to an upper new plan (Advanced2 or Enterprise) while keeping the same billing frequency (month to month or year to year) you will be charged the price of the new plan prorated to the remaining period, minus part of your current plan which has not been used. The payment will be made at the moment of your upgrade and once the renewal date comes, you will be charged the full amount of the new plan you have upgraded to. The renewal date will stay the same as long as you choose your upgrade with the same billing frequency.

Keep in mind that if you are currently on one of our old plans, you can only upgrade to one of our new plans. It is not possible to upgrade from a Pro plan to a Pro2 plan or an Agency plan to an Enterprise plan.


I have purchased a profile, user, or hashtag slot on my current plan, will I receive a discount on my plan upgrade?

If you have purchased extras such as an additional profile slot, user slot, or a hashtag slot, you will receive a discount on the new plan upgrade including the price of the unused time of the extra add-on. 

Additionally, if your upgraded plan already includes the extras you have purchased, then you will not be charged for these add-ons at the anniversary date since they will already be included with your new plan at the moment of your upgrade. 

For example:

If you are currently subscribed to our Pro2 plan and have purchased 3 additional social profile slots but want to upgrade to our Advanced2 plan which includes 5 social profile slots, you will only be charged for 1 additional social profile slot at the moment of your renewal.

Please note that if you are currently on an old Pro plan but want to purchase an extra profile slot or team member, you will need to first upgrade to our Pro2 plan and purchase your options.


I want to upgrade my plan but with a different billing frequency.

Whether you are upgrading from a lower plan with monthly billing to an upper plan with yearly billing, a lower plan with yearly billing to an upper plan with monthly billing, or the same plan with monthly billing to yearly billing, you will be charged the full amount of the plan without any discount at the moment of your upgrade. 

However, you will be receiving a refund with the prorated discount of the amount of the unused time of your previous plan through a separate transaction and will get a confirmation of this via email. The new anniversary date will be the date of your upgrade.

If you were on our Pro monthly plan using more than one hashtag or competitor slot and want to upgrade to our Pro2 yearly plan, you will keep the number of the included hashtag and competitor slots you were using at the moment of your upgrade. If you had 5 hashtags or competitors for example, then you will only be charged for the extra 2 hashtags and competitors on your renewal date since the Pro plan already included 3 slots of each. 


Plan downgrades

Downgrading your plan without add-ons.

Whether you are on one of our old or new plans, you are able to downgrade your current plan changing the billing frequency, or keeping the same one. If you are currently on one of our old plans - Pro, Advanced, Agency - you will only be able to downgrade to one of our new plans. 

Once you have downgraded, your current plan will continue to be active until the end of the subscription and you will not be receiving any refunds. Once the renewal date comes, you will be charged the price of the downgraded plan in full. 

For example:

You are subscribed to an Advanced2 yearly plan which started on January 1st 2021 and want to downgrade to a Pro2 yearly plan on April 1st 2021. You will keep the Advanced2 yearly plan until December 31st 2021 and on January 1st 2022, your plan will be switched to the Pro2 yearly plan.


Downgrading your plan with add-ons. 

If you are currently subscribed to one of our old or new plans and have purchased add-ons such as hashtags, feeds, team members, social profile slots, or competitors, you can downgrade your plan. If you are subscribed to one of our old plans (Advanced or Agency), you will only be able to downgrade to one of our new plans - Pro2 or Advanced2. Your plan and add-ons will continue to be valid until the date of renewal. On the date of renewal, your plan will be switched to your downgraded option and you will be charged the full amount of the new plan plus you will keep the extras you had before unless you cancel them before your renewal date. 

If you would like to downgrade your plan but not keep your add-ons, you will have to cancel these through your platform here. Your added options will be valid until the date of your downgrade but will not be included in the new downgraded plan. 

Example without canceling add-ons:

You are subscribed to an Advanced2 yearly plan which started on January 1st 2021 and have purchased 3 extra social profile slots. On April 1st 2021 you decide to downgrade to the Pro2 yearly plan. The Advanced2 yearly plan and extra social profile slots will be valid until December 31st 2021 and on January 1st 2022, you will be changed to the Pro2 yearly plan with 3 extra social profile slots and thus be charged for the Pro2 plan and 3 extra social profile slots.


Purchasing extras 

Purchasing add-ons after a downgrade or cancelation

If you have downgraded or canceled your plan but would like to upgrade it or purchase extras, you will first need to cancel your downgrade or cancelation here and you will then be able to make changes to your current plan. 


Purchasing add-ons with an old plan. 

If you are currently on our Starter, Pro, or Advanced plans and would like to purchase an additional social profile slot or team member slot, you will first have to upgrade to one of our new plans before being able to make any additional purchases. When doing the upgrade, you will be paying the difference between the old plan and the new plan for the remaining period of the subscription while receiving a refund for the unused time from your old plan. You will then be able to purchase your add-on and will be charged the amount for the remaining period of your subscription.

If you are looking to purchase an additional hashtag, competitor, or feed, you can do so without upgrading to one of our new plans. When purchasing these, you will only pay the add-on for the remainder of your plan subscription and on the renewal date, you will be paying your plan plus the add-on at full price.


Purchasing add-ons with a new plan. 

When purchasing an additional profile, user, hashtag, competitor, or feed on one of our new plans - Pro2, Advanced2, or Enterprise, you will be charged the amount of the remaining period of your subscription. On the renewal date of your subscription, you will be charged the full amount of your current plan plus the add-ons you have purchased.



For information about cancelations, please refer to this FAQ.


If you subscribed using a manual invoice and would like to make changes or purchases, please contact our customer support representatives at help@iconosquare.com.