Can I see analytics for my Instagram promoted posts on Iconosquare?

You can view your Instagram promoted post-performance in your Iconosquare analytics! 💸

If you're already subscribed to the PRO, ADVANCED, or ENTERPRISE plan (or are on the free trial), you'll just need to click the link on the blue banner which you will see when logged into your Iconosquare account in order to unlock this feature.





  • You must be an Admin or Manager on your Iconosquare account to be able to unlock this feature, Team members will need to contact either the Admin or Manager in order to unlock this feature.
  • You must also be either an Admin or Editor of the Facebook page which is linked to your Instagram business profile to unlock the feature. If your page is on the new Facebook page experience, you must have full control of the page.
  •  In order to actually view the promoted post analytics on your Iconosquare account, you will also need to be listed as an Admin within the Facebook Ads Manager account where the posts were promoted from. Not sure if you're an Admin of the Ads Manager account? Find out how to check this here!

What kind of data can I access?

On the Media viewer where you view your individual post analytics, if you see the blue $ icon at the top left of the viewer, you will know that this particular post has been promoted. You will therefore see a breakdown of the organic and paid data under each metric, including Likes, Comments, Engagement rate, Engagement on reach, Reach, Reach rate, and Impressions!



On the Overview and Engagement sections, for certain KPIs including Average engagement rate per post, Likes received and Comments received, you will see a breakdown of your paid and organic engagement.

If I unlock this feature now, can I access analytics for promoted posts I have published in the past?

Yes! You'll be able to access data for all previous promoted posts on your Instagram account, as long as they were all promoted using the same Facebook Ads Manager account which you're Admin of. However, it is possible you will not be able to see the Engagement rate for these posts as with all others on a historical basis.

Can I see the split between organic/paid reach and impressions data?

You can see the split between organic/paid reach and impressions on individual post-by-post analytics. However, the Global Reach and Impressions KPIs on the Overview and Reach sections are a combined total of organic + paid Reach and Impressions - currently there is no split available here. For these KPIs, you'll see an icon, indicating that the data is a combined total of organic + paid data, as shown in the example below:


Can I see data relating to separately created Ads?

No, currently we are only displaying data relating to promoted posts (or "boosted posts") that appear on your Instagram feed, not separate Ads (or "dark posts") which do not appear on your feed. Unsure of the difference? Check out this article from Facebook's help center which explains this!

The only KPIs that do include data relating to dark posts are the global Reach and Impressions KPIs and on the Reach and Impressions history chart - this is explained in more detail here.

Can I see data for promoted Instagram Carousels and Stories?

Currently, our promoted post data covers single-image posts and videos on your feed. However, we are getting some promoted post analytics for Carousels but not all; please keep in mind that this is a limitation of the Instagram API.

Can I see promoted comments?

Whilst the number of comments will include both promoted and organic comments, please note that currently, the promoted comments themselves will not be visible.

Does the "Views" metric include promoted data for videos?

If you have a promoted video post, currently the "Views" metric is organic data only - we're unable to provide "paid" data for this metric, unfortunately.

However, you can expect to see organic and paid analytics on likes, comments, reach, and impressions like you can with single-image posts!

Can I see promoted saves?

Currently, the API does not provide data for promoted saves, therefore we can only show data for organic saves.

I refreshed the access token on my account, and now this feature is locked again. How can I unlock it?

You can re-unlock this feature via the Social profiles page. Simply click on the Data Access tab, and then click on the icon circled in red below, and check that the blue "tick" is then showing:


I can't see data for a promoted post, what can I do?

If one of your promoted posts is missing paid data, we'd recommend double-checking which Ad account that promotion is linked to. It may be that the promotion went through an Ad account that you're not an Admin of.