How can I set up and schedule XLS and PDF reports on Iconosquare?

Setting up a one-off report, or scheduling recurring reports for your social profiles is super quick and easy using Iconosquare! Social profile and Dashboard reports are available both as XLS and PDF files while Hashtag and Competitor reports can be generated as XLS reports.


Here's what you need to do:

  • Head to the Reports section on the left-hand side menu of your platform.
  • Click on New report at the top right-hand corner of the page.
  • Select Social profile or Dashboard as your report type for XLS and PDF reports.
  • Alternatively, choose Hashtag or Competitor reports for XLS reports.
  • Set the criteria for your report. 
  • Click Create report and it's set! 


The criteria for your reports can include:

  • Format - XLS or PDF (PDF available on ADVANCED and ENTERPRISE plans only).
  • Change the Title.
  • Choose if you want the report to be sent via email, and if so, the recipients of that email.
  • Which social profiles you want to set the report for - select multiple profiles here to save time and avoid setting them up separately 😉.
  • The date period you want the report to cover (for Twitter, the earliest date you can select here is 30 days prior to when you added it to your platform, and for TikTok, the earliest date is 1 year prior to its addition).
  • Choose if you want to schedule the report and the frequency - select this option for recurring reports (eg. every month), or choose no if you just want to set up a one-off report! Keep in mind that if you schedule the report, you will not automatically receive a report until the next delivery date.